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Travaux de Thèses

Retrouvez les travaux de thèse du CDP RISK menés à Grenoble.

Etudiants diplomés CDP RISK


Santosh Yadav - (3SR/ENSAG), December 2021
Analyse expérimentale de la vulnérabilité sismique de la maçonnerie en terre, renforcée par des bandes horizontales
Nour Chahrour (INRAE/GIPSA-lab), October 2021
Application to monitoring and preventive maintenance of torrent check dams...


Diego CUSICANQUI (EDYTEM) - March 14th, 2022
Multi-decadal changes in glacial and periglacial systems...
Andy COMBEY (ISTerre) - March 15th, 2022
Archaeoseismological approach in the Heartland of the Incas (Cusco, Peru)...
Meryem BOUSEBATA (INRIA) - March 30th, 2022
Statistical inference for extreme risk measures...
Mina ALIPOUR (LIG) - March 31th, 2022
Toward user interface adaptation to users emotions...
Mohit Mehendra MISHRA (GIPSA-Lab) - April 25th, 2022
Modeling and information reconstruction from heterogeneous data...
Rouba ISKANDAR (ISTerre) - July 2022
Seismic risk modelling approach including human behaviour...

PhD Students - Prochaines Soutenances de thèses RISK

. Mampionona RAKOTONIRINA (AE&CC-CRAterre)
Relevance and impact of CDP approach in post-disaster reconstruction projects...
. Aurélie PEILLON (PACTE Laboratory)
Coordination of action in avalanche...
. Maria Hagl (LIP/PC2S)
Testimonies, perception and management of landslides hazards...

Publié le 2 mars 2023

Mis à jour le 24 novembre 2023