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"How do new technologies in citizens' hand challenge risk and vulnerability management ?" - Partenariat Resilience avec l'Université de Swansea.

Séminaire / Événement en anglais

Le 6 décembre 2023

Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Photo UGA

Le Cluster Innovations for Resilience du Risk Institute@Université Grenoble Alpes ouvre son cycle de séminaires 2023/2024 "Les données citoyennes dans la gestion des risques" avec l'accueil d'une délégation de l'Université de Swansea (Pays de Galles) le mercredi 6 décembre 2023 de 14h à 17h à la MaCI, sur le campus de Saint Martin d'Heres.

Innovation For Resilience #1 séminaire d'ouverture : "How do new technologies in citizens' hand challenge risk and vulnerability management?"

Dans le cadre du partenariat du Risk Institute avec l'Université de Swansea, nous accueillons les 6-7 décembre 2023 une délégation de collègues du Center of Digital Arts and Humanities de l'Université de Swansea. Ils ouvriront le cycle des workshops 2023-2024 du cluster Innovations For Resilience en présentant leurs différents travaux de recherche, portant sur la manière dont les nouvelles technologiques de la communication peuvent transformer les enjeux de management des risques et de la vulnerabilité. Nous parlerons de données citoyennes, de réseaux sociaux, de gestion de crise et de gouvernance des risques.

Deux belles journées de travail avec nos collègues de l'Université de Swansea

Meeting Swansea University/Innovation for Resilience Cluster, Risk Institute@UGA
© photo Swansea University

Meeting Swansea University/Innovation for Resilience Cluster, Risk Institute@UGA
© photo Swansea University

Programme du 6 décembre 2023 : "How do new technologies in citizens' hand challenge risk and vulnerability management ?"

1. Conceptualizing citizen data

Dr Leighton Evans & Dr Yan Wu

This talk will propose a conceptual framework for the study of citizen data, focusing on the transformation of natural phenomena into data through digital technologies, and how this transformation leads to a normalisation of the digital in everyday life and how such collection and utilization of data leads to civic participation in risk management or governance.

  • Dr Leighton Evans is Senior Lecturer in Media Theory at Swansea University, and is Undergraduate Programme Director for Media and Communications. Leighton’s research background is in the Philosophy of Technology and new media, and he has published work on social media, location-based social networking, phenomenology, webnography, management systems, smart logistics and smart cities. Leighton’s primary research interests lie in the transformation of natural phenomena into data through digital technologies, and how this transformation leads to a normalisation of the digital in everyday life.
  • Dr Yan Wu is an Associate Professor in Media and Communications studies, College of Arts and Humanities, Swansea University, and a Higher Education Academy Fellow since 2017. Dr Wu’s research interests cover two main areas - Chinese media and communication and digital inclusivity in Wales. Her research expertise in Chinese media and communication encompasses a range of issues including online community, citizen journalism, social media in China, and China’s soft power communication. Currently she is researching the use of social media by the Chinese elderly. Over the past several years, she has also developed a series of research projects on digital media and inclusivity in Wales.

2. Citizen data and communication for development in Africa

Dr Chedza Simon & Prof Krijn Peters

The talk focuses on organisational crisis communication, the governance of citizen data generated on digital media platforms and opportunities and risks for the planning, implementation and evaluation of development interventions to be informed by citizen data.

  • Dr Chedza Simon is a lecturer in media and public relations at Swansea University. His work in media studies addresses organisational crisis communication in the global south and the role of social media.
  • Krijn Peters is a professor in politics, philosophy, and international relations. As a rural development sociologist and expert in post-war reconstruction, international development, transport services, and technology, he led projects based on a frugal innovation approach in West African countries.

3. Citizen data and interactions co-designed with/for emergent users.

Prof Simon Robbinson & Dr Thomas Reitmaier

Prof Robbinson and Dr Reitmaier will be sharing their experience of research with marginalized communities in India and South Africa. Their research focuses on devices and interactions co-designed with/for emergent users, which opens discussion about innovates ways of co-creating with citizens and communities in risk management and governance.

  • Dr Simon Robbinson is Professor in Computer science. His  research focuses on devices and interactions designed with and for emergent users – people in rural or developing regions where connectivity and technology availability are often low. Devices and interactions co-designed with/for emergent users.
  • Dr Thomas Reitmaier - Slum Community Co-design of Self-Powered Deformable Smart Messaging Materials.

    Dr Thomas Reitmaier is a lecture in Computer Science  in the Department of Computer Science, Swansea University. He has recently been involved in a research project about frugal innovation and co-design for inter-family communication in Indian slums


Le 6 décembre 2023
Complément date

14h00 - 17h00 (France - GMT+1)

Suivre l'atelier sur place : inscrivez-vous et rejoignez-nous à l'UX-Lab (MaCI)

Suivre l'atelier en ligne : Zoom connexion - ID meeting: 920 7862 9015 - Code: I4R23-24.


Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire

Complément lieu

UX Lab

Maison de la Création et de l'Innovation (MaCI)

339 Av. Centrale

38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères

Tramway B, station Gabriel Fauré


& online (Zoom)


L'événement est coordonné par le Cluster Innovations pour la Résilience du Risk Institute@UGA et organisé avec le soutien de la SFR Innovacs et de la Direction du développement international et territorial de l'Université Grenoble Alpes.

Publié le 27 novembre 2023

Mis à jour le 19 janvier 2024