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Seminar Innovation for Resilience - Do Citizen Data Enable Decentralized Air Governance? Promises and Limitations

Workshop / Event in English

On June 7, 2024

The Risk Institute Innovations for Resilience Cluster (UGA) is offering part #4 of its 2023/2024 seminar series "Citizen data in risk management", with a talk by Sylvain Parasie from Medialab - SciencePo Paris at the MaCI (Saint Martin d'Hères Campus).

Innovation For Resilience
Cycle 2023-2024 "Citizen data in risk management".
Seminar #4

Do Citizen Data Enable Decentralized Air Governance? Promises and Limitations

Sylvain Parasie (Medialab, SciencePo Paris)

Conference on site & online
Language: English

Sylvain Parasie is a sociology professor at Sciences Po and currently serves as the director of the Medialab. Since 2010, his research has focused on how digital technologies are transforming the ways people inform themselves, debate, and engage in the public sphere. He has a particular interest in how data are reshaping established methods of producing and consuming journalistic information in both the United States and France. His studies also delve into digital investigative methods. He will be presenting research findings from France and the United States on citizen mobilization regarding air quality measurement initiatives

Photo de profil de Sylvain Parasie. Crédits: Alexis Lecomte


On June 7, 2024
Complément date

12:15-13:45 (French Time) -  10:15-11:45 (UTC) - 11:15 am-12h45pm (BST)

Follow the workshop onsite : please register and join us at UX-Lab (MaCI).

Follow the workshop online:
ID Meeting: 920 7862 9015
Secret code: I4R23-24

Link to registrate


Complément lieu

Maison de la Creation et de l'Innovation (MaCI) - UX-Lab (Ground floor)

339 Av. Centrale

38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères

Tramway B, station Gabriel Fauré

Access map


The event is coordinated by the Risk Institute@UGA's Innovations for Resilience Cluster and organized with the support of SFR Innovacs of Université Grenoble Alpes.

Organization: Marion Bernard (GSCOP), Céline Cholez (PACTE), Louis Devillaine (PACTE), Jeremy Eydieux (CERAG)

Submitted on November 14, 2023

Updated on May 28, 2024