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Workshop cycle 2023-2024 Innovations for Resilience - "Citizen data and risks/vulnerabilities management".

Over the past ten years, the access (economic & technical) to multiple data capture technologies (mobile phones, low-cost data sensors) has favoured what is called by some the development of "citizen metrology." First supported by protest movements (Chateauraynaud, Debaz, 2013), which aimed to objectify forms of exposure to different risks (from a perspective of a counter-expertise), the notion of citizen data today enfolds a plurality of initiatives ranging from bottom-up participatory movements (for example, against corruption), to feeding into public territorial or scientific databases. The questions raised by this protean movement are multiple. The "Citizen Data" initiatives first question the renewal of risk governance through the development among citizens of vigilance capacities (detection, weak signals) or the knowledge sharing. Governance issues also challenge the shared use of data (by scientists, institutions, and citizens). Citizen data initiatives also confront the actors involved with problems in producing reliable data: measurement instruments and protocols mastery, formatting, and data standardization. They also contribute to reflections on the inclusiveness of digital citizenship.

The Cluster Innovation Resilience of Risk Institute proposes with INNOVACS a new research workshop cycle opened to all academics and professionals to address the issue of citizen data in risks and vulnerabilities management. The seminars are held on a bimonthly basis, from 12:15 am. to 1:45 pm in hybrid mode (face-to-face and Zoom).

Registration is free but mandatory. Remote access is possible on request.


December 6th, 2023 (2 pm-5 pm)

How do new technologies in citizens' hand challenge risk and vulnerability management ?

Opening workshop with Swansea University.

Lieu : MaCI, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

We welcome a delegation of researchers from the Centre of Digital Arts and Humanities of the University of Swansea, all scholars working in the area of new communication technologies for risks and vulnerabilities reduction. They will present their different works on new communication technologies for risk and vulnerability reduction. We will talk about citizen data, social networks, crisis management and risk governance.

Programme & registration

February 12th, 2024 (12.15pm - 2.00pm /France - GMT+1)

Citizen Science: How Citizens Engage in Digital Ways of knowing.

Bernhard Wieser (TU, Graz, Austria)

Place : MaCI, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Bernhard Wieser is a Senior Scientist in philosophy of science in the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of the Technische Universität of Graz (Austria). As a STS scholars, he has investigate ethical, legal, and social aspects of genome research and their application in genetic diagnostics. More recently he has led a research project on Citizen Science in the area of air pollution.

Programme & registration

April 24th, 2024 (11.00am - 12.45pm /France - GMT+1)

Digital technologies in biodiversity citizen science: how they shape knowledge production and codify participation

Debbie Gonzales Canada (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Place : MaCI, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Debbie is a PhD student in Science, Technology and Society at the School of Agricultural, Food and Ecosystem Sciences. She studies the participation of citizens, via digital devices, in citizen science projects. She analyzes how digital technologies shape the knowledge practices of volunteers monitoring biodiversity. Debbie has a background in communication and cultural studies, and is interested in STS, digital sociology and digital ethnography.

June 7th 2024 (12.15pm - 2.00pm /France - GMT+1)

Do citizen data enable decentralized air governance? Promises and limitations

Sylvain Parasie (Médialab - Science Po Paris)

Place : MaCI, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Sylvain Parasie is a Professor in sociology at Sciences Po and is currently the director of the Medialab. Since 2010, his research has focused on how digital technologies are reshaping the ways in which individuals access information, engage in debate, and participate in the public sphere. He has a particular interest in examining how data is transforming established methods of producing and consuming journalistic information in both the United States and France. Additionally, his research encompasses digital investigative methods. He will present the results of research conducted in France and the United States on citizen mobilization in air quality monitoring initiatives.

Programme & registration

June 24th, 2024 (12.15pm - 2.00pm /France - GMT+1)

Coding public problems: mobile applications and citizen participation

Ksenia Ermoshina (Centre Internet et Société, France)

Place : MaCI, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Ksenia Ermoshina is a CNRS Researcher at the Center Internet and Society. Her presentation based on multi-site fieldwork explores the development and uses of so-called “citizen” applications. Rather than studying the practices of reusing existing platforms for activist purposes, this research explores the process of both social and technological innovation -- that of "coding" citizen problems. At the crossroads of the sociology of science and technology and the sociology of public problems, this research proposes to follow several urban applications, exploring the process of translation of "ordinary experiences" of urban space towards the classification and manufacturing of interfaces.

In partnership with Innovacs

The Research Federation INNOVACS ("Innovation, Knowledge, Society" - Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP) brings together 18 laboratories in the humanities, social sciences and engineering sciences. This scientific community develops interdisciplinary research on innovation through human and societal issues.
Its missions: To promote interdisciplinary research on innovation from the perspective of social and human issues to constitute new disciplinary networks around the issues of innovation.
Its actions: research project engineering, scientific coordination of the community, communication with civil society players and support for the valorization of research and transfer.

Submitted on November 29, 2023

Updated on May 24, 2024