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Contributing to risk science: interdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing
The aim of the Grenoble Risk Institute is to federate and energize local research in risk sciences and training, and to strengthen the Université Grenoble Alpes position and visibility in this field, in conjunction with its network of partners.
To this end, the institute is positioned as :
- A one-stop shop and a label for local researchers on the theme, for example to build joint responses to calls for projects (ANR, Europe...).
- An interface for networking local researchers with the national and international levels, as well as with a wide network of institutional, operational and private partners. In the short and medium term (2022-2030), the Risk Institute will act as a local contact within the Programme et Equipements Prioritaires de Recherche (PEPR) Integrated Risks Management (IRiMa) for the UGA, which is co-sponsoring this PEPR.
N.B. The Risk Institute is not a funding agency (although it may, depending on its resources, support certain scientific projects or activities), and is not intended to duplicate existing structures (Pôles, Labex, etc.). Within the institute, the task will be to identify needs and prioritize and rationalize requests.
A Scientific structure, centered around three axes
Throughout the year, the Risk Institute offers its network meetings, events, seminars, workshops and national/international symposia, as well as innovation projects in conjunction with local, national and international partners.
Risk information is available on its website, in a newsletter and in special reports.
The aim is to disseminate the knowledge produced to all audiences and to promote interdisciplinarity.
Five thematic clusters bring together nearly 120 researchers in Grenoble and their networks of public and private partners.
They provide meeting places for writing scientific articles, creating links to co-funding for major national and European projects and co-constructing partnership research projects (including co-funded Cifre-type theses). They propose to work together to consolidate data (citizens, partner laboratories, public institutions, companies) and to structure simulation platforms; the aim is also to identify the skills needed to respond as closely as possible to requests for action research expertise.
The UGA Graduate School - RISK theme supervises M1 and M2 students in the laboratories. This thematic program aims to provide a solid grounding in the field of technological, natural and financial risks, and more specifically in crisis prevention and management (including coordination, planning and civil security), the resilience of critical infrastructures and territories, and risk insurance and coverage. Students follow a specific research-oriented path within their Master's degree: international Summer School (students, researchers, partners), MOOC Natural Hazards, seminars, serious simulation games, supervision of doctoral and post-doctoral students, continuing education, researcher and student exchanges, etc.
A cross-disciplinary research team around risks, crisis management and resilience
The institute is structured around :
- an Executive Committee, in which the promoters and leaders of the various clusters participate;
- a Steering Committee comprising the Executive Committee, all the cluster referents and local partners directly involved;
- a Committee of Partners (clusters, labex, national or international risk organizations and institutions, companies, local authorities, government departments);
- an International Scientific Committee (scientific experts, research institutes).
Members of the International Scientific Committee
Nom | Structure | Thématiques | |
Department of Political Science and International Relations, University of Geneva, Switzerland |
. Urban ecology, risks, politics |
Kees BOERSMA | Faculty of Social Sciences (Department of Organization Sciences) and Faculty of Science (Science, Business & Innovation group) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Crisis management, disaster studies, and innovation management. He is co-founder of the Crisis Resilience Academy of the Amsterdam Institute for Societal Resilience. | |
Jonathan BRADBURY | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), Swansea University, United-Kingdom | Politics, Philosophy and International Relations | |
Diana CONTRERAS | Cardiff University, United-Kingdom | Geospatial Sciences: Disaster management, Earthquake reconnaissance, Vulnerability assessment, Resilience, Climate change adaptation, Water management, Food insecurity, Cultural heritage, Geographical information Sciences (GIS), Natural language processing (NLP) | |
Giovanna CULTRERA | INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma1, Italy |
Seismology and technophysique | |
Johan GAUME | ETH ZURICH/SLF, Switzerland | Alpine Environment and Natural Hazards Alpine Mass Movements |
Makoto ITOH | Tsukuba University, Japan | Systems safety: mutual trust and cooperation in human-machine systems, cognition, inference, and decision making under uncertainty or gray zone, perception and acceptance of risk. | |
Rohit JIGYASU | ICCROM, Italy | Conservation architect and disaster risk | |
Marie-Eve MAJOR | Sherbrooke University, Quebec, Canada | Ergonomics, health at work | |
Rasa REMENYTE-PRESCOTT | Nottingham University, United-Kingdom | System availability and reliability | |
Giovanni SANSAVINI | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Reliability and risk engineering | |
Markus STOFFEL | University of Geneva, Switzerland | Climate Change Impacts and Risks in the Anthropocene | |
Marion Lara TAN | Massey University, New-Zealand | Information/communication, crisis informatics for vulnerable territories | |
Rafael WEISSBRODT | HES-S0 Valais-Wallis, Switzerland | Ergonomics, health and safety at work |
May 2024: presentation of the project to the Scientific Council
On May 16 and 17, 2024, members of the Risk Institute's Scientific Advisory Board were invited to Grenoble for a mid-term presentation of the project. The enthusiastic exchanges led to concerted proposals for future developments.
An institute built on an interdisciplinary project
The first Cross Disciplinary Program (CDP) Risk funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) was launched at Grenoble University in 2017. This IDEX funding, which is managed by the institution's Research, Innovation and Valorisation department alongside 17 other interdisciplinary projects, has funded 11 joint theses in the field of risk and organised several interdisciplinary events between 2017 and 2021.
More about the RISK@UGA CDP
Following this initial phase, a second phase is now underway to create a Risk Institute within the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
The Grenoble Risk Institute project, one of the UGA's 21 Cross Disciplinary Programs (CDP), aims to build a risk and resilience institute within the UGA. Since September 2022, this project has been supported by the UGA via the CDP Grenoble Institute Risk & Resilience (GI2R) for 3 years (2022-2025). Over and above the administrative aspects of the project, the aim is to create a sustainable RISK Institute beyond 2025, the exact format of which remains to be defined and co-constructed.
RISK Institute project coordinators
Responsible for the UGA
Sandrine CAROLY (Pacte)
Sandrine CAROLY (Pacte)
Cécile CORNOU (ISTerre)
Nicolas ECKERT (IGE)
Contact : risk.institute
univ-grenoble-alpes.fr (risk[dot]institute[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
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