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Make risk and resilience management decisions; model assets and systems at risk (natural, technological, financial) with interactions, systemic dependencies and cascading dynamics.
- Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment incorporating monitoring information
- Modeling of cascading effects and decision-making processes
- Economic analysis
- Operational safety and maintenance of complex systems
- Artificial intelligence
- Decision support
- Information theories
Thematic news
- Julien BAROTH (3SR - UGA) - julien.barothuniv-grenoble-alpes.fr (julien[dot]baroth[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
- Christophe BERENGUER (GIPSA Lab- Grenoble INP/UGA) christophe.berenguergrenoble-inp.fr (christophe[dot]berenguer[at]grenoble-inp[dot]fr)
- Geoffroy ENJOLRAS (IAE-UGA) - geoffroy.enjolrasgrenoble-iae.fr (geoffroy[dot]enjolras[at]grenoble-iae[dot]fr)
- Jean-Marc TACNET (ETNA/IGE - INRAE) - jean-marc.tacnetinrae.fr (jean-marc[dot]tacnet[at]inrae[dot]fr)
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