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Call for projects Impulsion 2025 - Engineered assets at risks, Risk Institute's Cluster

Call for projects / Engineered assets at risks

From September 26, 2024 to December 1, 2024

The Risk Institute's Structures and Infrastructures, Systems and Risks cluster is launching a call for Impulsion 2025 projects. The aim of this call is to support interdisciplinary mini-projects aimed at developing new collaborations and/or exploring innovative approaches in the themes of the UGA Risk Institute.

Type of support

Two types of support are possible:
► Support for innovative collaborative studies
► Support for inter-laboratory co-supervised internship projects or for hosting internships for masters students from other sites.
The maximum amount of support provided will be limited to €4,000 per selected project.
Projects involving an innovative collaborative study may include a request for operating, equipment or mixed support.
Funds must be committed before September 1, 2025.


To be eligible, an application must be submitted by at least two teams from partner laboratories of the RISK Institute Project, as part of the activities of the Structures and Infrastructures, Systems and Risks cluster.

The project must be part of an interdisciplinary collaborative approach to the cluster's themes. The project will have an advantage if it has not previously received funding from the RISK CDP (thesis, master's degree or previous Impulsion project).

Priority will be given to projects from teams that have not yet worked together, and/or whose approach is part of the structuring or structuring objective of a larger project.

Submission file

► Complete the submission summary document (download below)
Link to the summary document
► Provide, in free format (3 pages max), the following information:

  • Title, content, participants, scientific stakes and innovative character
  • Persons responsible for the study
  • Collaborative elements: teams involved, specify whether or not there is a history of collaboration, whether the project is part of a larger project currently being set up:
    • Study budget, funding requested, specifying operating/equipment breakdown
    • Total budget if the study is part of a larger project


  • Subject of internship and name and team of supervisors, date of internship (start-end)
  • Student's CV (if known)
  • Elements of collaboration (skills of each partner)

 More information: (julien[dot]baroth[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)


From September 26, 2024 to December 1, 2024
Complément date

Dead line for submissions: December 1, 2024 before midnight

Notification of results: December 10, 2024.


Complément lieu

Please send your submission by e-mail to (julien[dot]baroth[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

and (sylvie[dot]perrier[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)


Julien Baroth, 3SR/Risk Institute

julien.baroth [at]

Submission documents

  1. Complete the submission summary document
    Link to the summary document
  2. Provide, in free format (3 pages max), the informations required
    (see description above).

Submitted on July 27, 2023

Updated on September 26, 2024