Thesis by Diego CUSICANQUI
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Thesis / Innovation, Research
Doctoral fellow - Defense date March 14th, 2022 - 1.00pm/ IGE
Antoine Rabatel (IGE, UGA, (Antoine[dot]rabatel[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)),
Xavier Bodin (EDYTEM, USMB, (Xavier[dot]bodin[at]univ-smb[dot]fr))
To achieve a deeper understanding of the long-term processes and internal structure that govern the behavior of landforms that are typical of the glacial and periglacial systems (e.g., rock glaciers, debris-covered glaciers) and their connections to the changing climate conditions, related to natural hazards under the context of mountain permafrost degradation by gathering a multidisciplinary approach, thought various sites and multi-method combination.
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In prep.
1. Lehmann, B., Anderson, R., Bodin, X., Cusicanqui, D., Valla, P., Carcaillet, J. (In prep.). Reconstruction of rock glaciers activity in an Alpine environment, from modern to Holocene timescales.
2. Revil, A., Duvillard, P.A., Vaudelet, P., Cusicanqui, D., Bodin, X., Schoeneich, P. (In prep.). Determining water content under thermokarst lake in a rock glacier from electrical conductivity and induced polarization tomography.
3. Le Roy, M., Schimmelpfennig, I., Deline, P., Schoeneich, P., Carcaillet, J., Leger, T., Jégot, P., Cusicanqui, D., Bodin, X., Hofmann, M., ASTER Team. (In prep.). Holocene history of Arsine glacier, Ecrins-Pelvoux Massif (southern French Alps).
Under review
1. Beraud, L., Cusicanqui, D., Rabatel, A., Brun, F., Vincent, C., Six, D. (Under review). Glacier-wide seasonal and annual geodetic mass balances from Pléiades stereo images. Application to the Glacier d’Argentière, French Alps. Journal of Glaciology.
2. Vincent, C., Gilbert, A., Walpersdorf, A., Gimbert, F., Gagliardini, O., Jourdain, B., Roldan Blasco, J. P., Laarman, O., Piard, L., Six, D., Moreau, L., Cusicanqui, D., Thibert, E. (Under review). Evidence of seasonal uplift in the Argentière Glacier (Mont Blanc area, France). Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.
3. Cusicanqui, D., X. Bodin, A. Rabatel, P.A. Duvillard, P. Schoeneich, J. Berther, A. Revil. (Under review). Investigating the multi-decadal (1948-2020) thermokarst dynamics of the Chauvet glacial and periglacial complex, Southern French Alps.
4. Duvillard, P.A., Cusicanqui, D., Charonnat, B., Marcer, M., Revil, A., Menard, G., and Schoeneich, P. (Under review). Evolution of thermokarsts over seven decades in an Alpine ice-rich complex rock glacier.
1. Cusicanqui, D., Rabatel, A., Vincent, C., Bodin, X., Thibert, E., & Francou, B. (2021). Interpretation of volume and flux changes of the Laurichard rock glacier between 1952 and 2019, French Alps. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006161.
2. Kaushik, S., Ravanel, L., Magnin, F., Yan, Y., Trouve, E., and Cusicanqui, D. (2021): Distribution and evolution of ice aprons in a changing climate in the mont-blanc massif (western european alps). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2021, 469–475,
3. Marcer, M., Cicoira, A., Cusicanqui, D., Bodin, X., Echelard, T., Obregon, R., & Schoeneich, P. (2021). Rock glaciers throughout the French Alps accelerated and destabilised since 1990 as air temperatures increased. Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 1–11.
4. Vincent, C., Cusicanqui, D., Jourdain, B., Laarman, O., Six, D., Gilbert, A., Walpersdorf, A., Rabatel, A., Piard, L., Gimbert, F., Gagliardini, O., Peyaud, V., Arnaud, L., Thibert, E., Brun, F., and Nanni, U. (2020). Geodetic point surface mass balances: A new approach to determine point surface mass balances from remote sensing measurements. The Cryosphere, 15, 1259–1276,
5. Marsy, G., Vernier, F., Bodin, X., Cusicanqui, D., Castaings, W., and Trouvé, E. (2020). Monitoring mountain cryosphere dynamics by time-lapse stereo photogrammetry. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-2-2020, 459–466,
6. Millan R, Mouginot J, Rabatel A, Jeong S, Cusicanqui D, Derkacheva A, Chekki M. (2019). Mapping Surface Flow Velocity of Glaciers at Regional Scale Using a Multiple Sensors Approach. Remote Sensing, 11(21):2498.
Conference publications and communications
1. Cusicanqui, D., Duvillard, P. A., Charonat, B., Marcer, M., Bodin, X., Rabatel, A., Schoeneich, P., Revil, A., Berthet, J., and Menard, G. (2021). Investigating thermokarst lakes evolution over seven decades in two Alpine glacial and periglacial environments, French Alps. SHF Conference (Glaciologie, Nivologie, Hydrologie et Permafrost de Montagne). Grenoble, France.
2. Cusicanqui, D., Rabatel, A., Bodin, X., Vincent, C., Thibert, E., Duvillard, P. A., and Revil, A. (2021). Using historical aerial imagery to assess multidecadal kinematics and elevation changes. Application to mountain permafrost in the French Alps. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-16371,
3. Vincent, C., Cusicanqui, D., Jourdain, B., Laarman, O., Six, D., Gilbert, A., Walpersdorf, A., Rabatel, A., Piard, L., Gimbert, F., Gagliardini, O., Peyaud, V., Arnaud, L., Thibert, E., Brun, F., and Nanni, U. (2021). Geodetic point surface mass balances: A new approach to determine point surface mass balances on glaciers from remote sensing measurements. EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9843,
4. Schoeneich, P., Bodin X., Ravanel, L., Duvillard, P.A., Marcer, M., Echelard, T., Charvet, R., Revil, A., Cusicanqui D. (2021). The PermaRisk project -Emerging hazards due to mountain permafrost degradation in the French Alps. 14th INTERPRAEVENT Congress – Natural hazards in a changing world, May 31st - June 2nd 201, ISBN 978-3-901164-28-6. Paper available online.
5. Cusicanqui, D. and Bodin, X. (2019). Webinar at INDURA, Photogrammetry for the study of mountain slopes. Free available at: [French version]
6. Cusicanqui, D., Rabatel, A., and Bodin, X. (2020). 60 years of rock glacier displacements and flux changes over Laurichard Rock glacier, French Alps. EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10373,
7. Vincent, C., Walpersdorf, A., Gilbert, A., Gagliardini, O., Gimbert, F., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Piard, L., Jourdain, B., Cusicanqui, D., Moreau, L., Laarman, O., and Six, D. (2020). Evidence of uplift at Argentière glacier (Mont Blanc area, France). EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4-8 May 2020, EGU2020-6941,
8. Combey, A., Peillon, A., Cusicanqui, D., Rakotonirina, M., and Hagl, M. (2020). Aléas naturel et sociétés, une question de “Risk”. The Conversation.…; [French Version].
. Anne Rowan, associated editor of Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface have highlighted our work at, which is a high impact magazine from AGU where news about recent works are presented, intended primarily for the general public. The post can be read following this link Revealing How Rock Glaciers Respond to Climate Change.
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