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Thesis title : Coordination of action between heterogeneous stakeholders in management of crisis



Doctoral fellow - Defense date: 2022
PhD CDP Risk in Pacte Laboratory, Université Grenoble Alpes
Sandrine Caroly (PACTE,,
Yann Laurillau (LIG,
Didier Richard (INRAE,

Avalanche rescue exercise, January 2020, (c) A.Peillon
Avalanche crisis exercise

"I have been working as a psychologist since 2016. I specialized in understanding human activities and the use of digital objects."


The main objective is to understand the collective work in order to prevent and manage avalanche situation which is considered as the management of a dynamic risk: an event with many uncertainties initially and evolving with time. To manage the avalanche situation, it is necessary that the stakeholders on the ground as well as the decision-makers coordinate themselves in order to adapt to rapid changes in the situation. We want to understand the links between different stakeholders involved in collective activities to manage the avalanche situations: how do they communicate with each other? What is the nature of the information mobilized and shared?  
The project will also help to design a groupware for supporting the coordination of the stakeholders in avalanche crisis management. The different analyses offer possibilities to design one or multiple user interface that consider the heterogeneity of user’s profiles and facilitate coordination among stakeholders. So this is a multidisciplinary approach between ergonomics and computer science.


Scientific posters
1. Peillon, A., Caroly, S., Laurillau, Y., Richard, D. (2019). The different crisis representation in avalanche management: exploratory study. Science week 2019. Grenoble
2. Peillon, A., Caroly, S., Laurillau, Y., Richard, D. (2019). The crisis representation between heterogeneous stakeholders in avalanche management. IDRIM 2019. Nice

Congress communication
1. Peillon, A., Caroly, S., Laurillau, Y. & Richard, D. (2020). La gestion de la situation d’avalanche et les facteurs de basculement vers la crise. Actes du 55ème Congrès de la SELF, L’activité et ses frontières. Penser et agir sur les transformations de nos sociétés. Paris, 16, 17 et 18 septembre 2020
2. Peillon, A., Caroly, S., Iskandar, R., & Peisser, C. (2022). GesCoCrise, un jeu de rôle pour apprendre à gérer la crise en collectif. Cas de la fermeture du tunnel du Chambon. Actes du 56ème Congrès de la SELF, Vulnérabilités et risques émergents : penser et agir ensemble pour transformer durablement. Genève, 6 au 8 juillet 2022.

Popular science
1. Peillon, A. (2019). Méthodes de recherche en sciences sociales. Application à l’ergonomie. Fête de la Science 2019. Grenoble
2. Combey, A., Peillon, A., Cusicanqui, D., Rakotonirina, M., Hagl, M., (2020). Aleas naturels et sociétés, une question de RISK. The Conversation.…
3. Peillon A. (2021). Gestion collective de la crise en cas d’avalanche. Institut des Risques Majeurs.…



Major Contributions

The main results about my PhD thesis is about two main aspects: the crisis representation and the management of a natural risk.
The crisis representation for the stakeholders involved into avalanche situation show that the avalanche itself is not a crisis for mountain professionals: it’s a part of their activities. But when carrying out rescue related to an avalanche, there may be external or internal elements that complicate the situation and degrade the realization of the relief (bad weather conditions, the lack of communication between different stakeholder…). The results show also the importance of the temporal pressure and the urgency perceived by the rescuers.
The filmed observations made during the simulation show the management activity with anticipation of potential developments in the situation and the need to the uncertainties. The effective management of the situation relies on a coherence of representations between the actors in the field and the remote manager. We assume that good communication is needed between the actors in the field and the manager.

More about her work

Poster (sept. 2020)
Internal presentation (oct. 2020)
Interview for La Semaine de tous les risques, Echosciences/La Casemate (feb. 2021)

Contact mail Aurelie Peillon

Submitted on November 24, 2023

Updated on November 24, 2023