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Thesis title: Towards User Interface Adaptation to Users Emotions In a Natural Risks Program


Thesis / Innovation, Research

Doctoral fellow - Defense date: March 31th, 2022
PhD CDP Risk in LIG , Université Grenoble Alpes
Sophie Dupuy-Chessa (LIG, UGA,,
Eline Jongmans (CERAG, UGA,

"I’m a PhD student in university of Grenoble-Alpes. My research topic is interdisciplinary between computer science and marketing. I studied computer science engineering both in my bachelors and master studies. I have a Master of Decision Support and Business intelligence, from Centrale Supelec- Paris, France."


Consider emotions in risk prevention, the PhD work investigates the impact of the dynamic of an adaptive interface on user preparedness and
the prevention of natural hazards such as landslides, earthquakes, or floods.


Decision-making can be difficult in the face of natural hazards. Emotions impact human behavior and decision making both before and during an incident. They affect the level of preparedness: eliciting negative emotions leads to an increase in risk perception and can potentially lead to behavioral adaptation. We propose to use emotions within disaster preparedness platforms and tools to help citizens prepare for the possibility of a natural disaster. To this end, user interfaces (i.e. widgets, colors,...) of platforms and preparedness tools can be adapted to arouse emotions.


To prevent or manage natural hazards, public policy programs are set in. The success of these programs depends on the understanding of the decision-making process of the population to take part in such programs driving to actual actions. Under some conditions of uncertainty, for instance when one is facing critical information related to his/her direct environment, the decision-making can be difficult. The creation of an information chain in an integrated governance of risk management requires the use of new technologies, both to collect information and to consolidate, integrate and disseminate it. In this context, our research work brings a double vision:
. In marketing, the problems to which this research contributes are: i) how do different types of emotions influence citizens' decision making about natural hazards? ii) how can the mediation of emotions increase the tendency to be prepared?
. In terms of human-computer interaction, one question has been investigated: which tool support can be proposed to adapt interfaces to respond directly to users' emotions in order to promote natural hazard prevention?



1. Alipour, M., Jongmans, E., Jeannot, F. and Dampérat, M. (2020), An Empirical Impact Bias Approach for Natural Hazard Mitigation, 11th Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference (ACIEK), June, Spain, Madrid
2. Alipour, M., Dupuy-Chessa, S. and  Jongmans, E., (2020), Disaster Mitgation Using Interface Adaptation to Emotions: a Targeted Literature Review. 10th International Conference on the Internet of Things Companion, Sweden, Malmo.
3. Alipour, Mina, Dupuy-Chessa, S. and Ceret, E., (2021), An Emotion-Oriented Problem Space for UI Adaptation: From a Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework. 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Online.


Mina Alipour


More about her work

. Poster "User Interfaces adaptation to users and their environment in a natural risks program"
. Defense date: Thursday, March 31th, 2022 - 2.00pm - More...


An adaptive interface for designers

We created an adaptive interface for a serious game, which is an interesting support for enhancing the public risk perception and preparedness level by trying to push people to learn and experience a specific (negative/positive) situation. In terms of Human-Computer Interaction, this research studies the temporal aspect of interface adaptation. A conceptual framework and a software architecture taking into account several temporal dimensions and emotion models was developed so that it can be used by interface designers, developers and can be applied in different types of interfaces.

Submitted on November 24, 2023

Updated on November 24, 2023